statements with respect to our corporate plans, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts. These statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as
statements with respect to our corporate plans, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts. These statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as
pressure and weak economy. While competition in prepaid segment remained competitive, the postpaid competition escalated in late-Feb as all operators introduced 10Mbps speed unlimited data plans at Bt300
องค์กรได้ ดาเนินการสอดคล้องกับวัตถุประสงค์ เป้าหมายหลัก และแผนกลยุทธ์ (strategies) ของกิจการ หลักปฏบิตั ิ5.3 คณะกรรมการควรดูแลให้ฝ่ายจัดการจัดสรรและจัดการทรัพยากรให้เป็นไปอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ ประสิทธิผล โดย
has adjusted operations with 4 strategies in respond to the New Normal lifestyle, resulting in an effective handling of the impact from the situation. The Company plans to consequently extend the
companies and securities held for trading in 4Q19. The Company's investment in 2019 was in line with the long-term strategic plans: Balance, Diversify and Expand. In addition to the investment in ECC which
companies and securities held for trading in 4Q19. The Company's investment in 2019 was in line with the long-term strategic plans: Balance, Diversify and Expand. In addition to the investment in ECC which
companies and securities held for trading in 4Q19. The Company's investment in 2019 was in line with the long-term strategic plans: Balance, Diversify and Expand. In addition to the investment in ECC which
bidding system. 1.2 Electricity industry in Asia-Pacific countries EGCO is fully aware of the limited growth prospect in domestic electricity industry. Therefore, EGCO determines business strategies to
companies to adjust themselves. While innovation and new technologies have been brought to business strategies, while investors and related parties? expectations particularly in environmental and social