adjustments under TFRS 15 of GHECO-One 6 Normalized Profit for 2018 is adjusted with Adjustments of Revenue Levelization (TFRS 15) for comparison purposes. Normalized Profit for 2019 has effects from TFRS 15. 7
-One and Dividends Received from Investments in Glow IPP. 5 Revenue Levelization adjustments under TFRS 15 of GHECO-One 6 Normalized Profit for 2018 is adjusted with Write Off tax and Adjustments of
CONSOLIDATED P&L SNAPSHOT *Adjusted EBITDA was excluded non-recurring expenses from impairment of assets and loss on disposal/write-off of assets of THB 222mn **Net profit from operation was the net profit
%) 199.1 17.4% 232.4 699.1% Income tax expenses 12.1 1.2% (35.9) (3.1%) (48.0) (397.0%) Profit (loss) of the year (45.3) (4.7%) 235.1 20.5% 280.4 618.5% Adjusted items Net unrealized loss on exchange rate
775.3 -36.7% Normalized Share of Profit from Investments is adjusted from Share of Profit by excluding (i) Foreign Exchange Loss / (Gain), (ii) One-time Accounting Adjustment which is the revision of
market to develop market diversification, expand investor base, and develop hedging tools that would support full-scaled, comprehensive transactions. The first priority issue of securities trading
Ventures 0.9 - N/A Normalized Share of Profit from Investments 221.4 184.8 19.8% - Utilities Business (29.2) - N/A - Power Business 250.7 184.8 35.6% Normalized Share of Profit from Investments is adjusted
รา้งของโครงการ Crossroads เฟส 1 ซึง่ไม่สามารถบนัทกึเป็น ค่าใชจ้่ายเป็นการลงทุนได ้ค่าใชจ้่ายทีเ่กีย่วขอ้งกบัผลประโยชน์พนักงาน ตามพระราชบญัญตัคิุม้ครองแรงงานทีม่กีารแกไ้ขเพิม่เตมิ 3 Adjusted EBITDA ค านวณ
(0.0496) (13.28%) Net Profit (Loss) After adjusted EBITDA 540.81 8.41% 609.04 11.05% (68.23) (11.20%) ท่ีตั้ง 55/2 หมู ่8 ถ. เศรษฐกิจ 1 ต.คลองมะเด่ือ อ.กระทุ่มแบน จ.สมุทรสาคร 74110 Tel. (66) 0-34877485 - 8
higher dividend received from Glow IPP, iii) a 14.5% lower of Administrative Expenses from accounting adjusted of doubtful debt amounted of Baht 22.5 million in 1Q2018, iv) a 20.3% lower of Financial Costs