acceptable and reliable standards. Such units shall have an independent operation and shall be free from other work units. Clause 9 A securities company shall separate work units and personnel whose duty
control unit which meet acceptable and reliable standards. Such units shall have an independent operation and shall be free from other work units. Clause 9 A securities company shall separate work units and
control unit which meet acceptable and reliable standards. Such units shall have an independent operation and shall be free from other work units. Clause 9 A securities company shall separate work units and
control system for goals and objectives achievement, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, safeguarding of the assets from frauds and damage, and preparing reliable accounts and reports. The
CRITERIA LFGITIMATE Trustworthy Accountable ACCESSIBLE Known Variety of access points Assistance to overcome barriers PREDICTABLE Clear procedures Clear timeframes EQUITABLE Fair access to information
SEC Office. Clause 17 The foreign personnel under Clause 16 shall be fully qualified as follows: (1) being reliable and highly capable of providing information or advice on the capital market products
website of the SEC Office. Clause 17 The foreign personnel under Clause 16 shall be fully qualified as follows: (1) being reliable and highly capable of providing information or advice on the capital market
out on the website of the SEC Office. Clause 17 The foreign personnel under Clause 16 shall be fully qualified as follows: (1) being reliable and highly capable of providing information or advice on the
Foreign Currency (No. 4) dated 23 November 2020 (Effective from 1 January 2021). 8 Clause 17 The foreign personnel under Clause 16 shall be fully qualified as follows: (1) being reliable and highly capable
Foreign Currency (No. 4) dated 23 November 2020 (Effective from 1 January 2021). 8 Clause 17 The foreign personnel under Clause 16 shall be fully qualified as follows: (1) being reliable and highly capable