Restructuring Agreement remain as at June 30, 2017, of Baht 72.01 million (included VAT). The details are as follows: Details (Unit : Million Baht) Accounts receivable under the Debt Restructuring Agreement 98.16
years, the Company engaged in several debt restructurings, as in 2010, where the Company entered into an agreement for the debt restructuring with certain major trade creditors for the total amount of
years, the Company engaged in several debt restructurings, as in 2010, where the Company entered into an agreement for the debt restructuring with certain major trade creditors for the total amount of
%) Reversal of loss on impairment in subsidiaries - - Reversal of provision for deferred difference from debt restructuring - 765 Gain from the Creditor waived the debt - 622 Net foreign exchange gain 584 543 7
Baht) For the three-month period ended 30 June Net foreign exchange gain - 193 (100%) Gain from debt restructuring - 0 Other income 17 28 (70%) Total income 7,831 5,784 26% Expenses Cost of sale (100
Baht and Gain on sales of investments of 1 associated company 0.23 Million Baht. 6. Gain on debt restructuring was 90.10 Million Baht or 100.00% lower from the last year. International Curity Footwear
company and its subsidiaries (which has been terminated their operations). 2020 is the year that bring massive change of UWC as a consequence of the corporate and business strategy restructuring together
business unit which were shown above, didn’t eliminate related transaction. The products of cosmetic has an internal restructuring to focus on skin care products due to the customer base that will grow in
the company start to pay for restructuring and Trade Payables. - Total Shareholders’ Equity at June 30, 2017 was 131.72 million baht which was increased by 26.21 million baht compare to December 31
3/2017 the company has less liabilities and has positive equity because of the debt restructuring and we have the net profit in every quarter. Please be inform accordingly. Yours sincerely