potential and preparedness; (4) Enhancing Competitiveness and Creating Opportunities from International Connectivity: To enable regulatory framework by conducting a regulatory guillotine
natural disasters and impacts of climate change 14. Focusing on investment in public and private sectors’ climate-friendly infrastructure development 15. Developing preparedness and response systems for
risk in the future given the different levels of technological readiness among peers, and between banks and other businesses, as well as sudden shifts in circumstance such as a change in transaction
honesty and integrity based on their career records, as well as having skills and experiences which are beneficial to the business operation; (4) being able to show the readiness of its work system and
allowing the custodial wallet providers that are listed companies or subsidiaries in the group, who have expertise, experiences, and readiness in custody of securities and other financial assets and in
prescribe stricter supervision. For example, it is compulsory to obtain an investment management business license, establish the readiness of work systems and personnel and comply with the investment policy
าเปนผูที่เขาใจและยึดม่ันในประมวลจริยธรรมสำนักงาน ก.ล.ต. สำหรับผูฏิบัติงานและจรรยาบรรณพนักงาน 4) การประเมินเพื่อทดสอบความพรอมในงานบริหาร (Managerial Readiness Test Results) ซึ่งมีองคประกอบเรื่อง
a juristic person, the directors or partners of such juristic person shall also not have the prescribed prohibited characteristics thereof; **(4) having sufficient readiness for providing services and
of such juristic person shall also not have the prescribed prohibited characteristics thereof; 5 **(4) having sufficient readiness for providing services and ensuring that the services provided to
of such juristic person shall also not have the prescribed prohibited characteristics thereof; 5 **(4) having sufficient readiness for providing services and ensuring that the services provided to