Balance by Quarter Change Q1-2017 Q4-2016 Q1-2016 Q1-2017 vs Q4-2016 Q1-2017 vs Q1- 2016 (MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total Revenue 1,139.2 939.7 1,122.7 199.5 21.2% 16.5 1.5% Total Operating Expenses 960.5 790.6
- 2017 Balance by Quarter Change Q2-2017 Q1-2017 Q2-2016 Q2-2017 VS Q1-2017 Q2-2017 VS Q2-2016 (MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total Revenue 1,345.4 1,139.2 1,212.2 206.2 18.1% 133.3 11.0% Total Operating Expenses
- 2017 Balance by Quarter Change Q3-2017 Q2-2017 Q3-2016 Q3-2017 VS Q2-2017 Q3-2017 VS Q3-2016 (MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total Revenue 1,633.1 1,345.4 1,144.5 287.7 21.3% 488.6 42.7% Total Operating Expenses
– 2018 Balance by Quarter Change Q3–18 Q2–18 Q3–17 Q3–18 VS Q2–18 Q3–18 VS Q3–17 (Million Baht: MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total Revenue 1,053.3 1,029.9 1,633.1 23.4 2.3 (579.8) (35.5) Total Operating Expenses
-2022 Balance by Quarter Change Topic Q1-22 Q4-21 Q1-21 Q1-22 VS Q4-21 Q1-22 VS Q1-21 (Million Baht: MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total revenue 1,399.2 1,620.3 1,824.2 (221.1) (13.6) (425.0) (23.3) Total operating
balance of short-term investments was THB 12.87 million which consisted of investment in Thanachart Cash Management Fund and Phatra Money Positive Fund. (2) Trade and other accounts receivable increased THB
reduce the financial cost. As at 30 September 2018, the balance of short-term investments was THB 27.82 million which consisted of investment in Thanachart Cash Management Fund and Phatra Money Positive
Revised estimated useful lives Q1 2020 Balance Sheet: Total Asset 15,320 15,439 Balance Sheet: Total Equity 12,818 12,968 Income Statement (476) (327) Q2 2020 Balance Sheet: Total Asset 14,967 15,195
Q3-2022 Balance by Quarter Change Topic Q3-22 Q2-22 Q3-21 Q3-22 VS Q2-22 Q3-22 VS Q3-21 (Million Baht: MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total revenue 1,886.5 1,711.8 1,509.1 174.7 10.2 377.4 25.0 Total operating
in joint ventures in the period ended 31 December 2019, the balance of Baht 5.30 million and Baht 3.53 million respectively were described as followed: 1. SAFE Energy Holdings Company Limited (“SAFE