1 Executive Summary AIS continued to build on leadership in mobile data through improved 4G quality and brand perception. In 1Q17, CAPEX of Bt11.5bn was spent to strengthen 4G network quality through
and +0.5% QoQ. Customer perception is gradually improving after the launch of AIS NEXT G and differentiated offerings. In addition, a focus on profitable segments resulted in strong postpaid net
share and hence retain or expand our scale in respective businesses. For mobile business, 4G adoption and demand is expected to continue rising following improved customer perception of our 4G network
softened handset subsidies and a focus on quality acquisition, partially offset by increasing advertising expense to enhance brand perception. Marketing expenses to total revenue stood at 5.1% , down from
core objective of building a robust foundation for the financial reporting ecosystem, with a special focus on extending the efforts in promoting stakeholders’ better understanding of their roles and the
ในดิน เปน็ต้ิน เกณฑ์์การคัดกรองท่แข้็งแกร่ง (robust) และโปร่งใสิ เป็นสิิงท่จัำาเป็นต่ิอการสิร้างความสิอดคล้องและ ความนา่เชืีอถืึอสิำาหรับผูท่้ต้ิองการออกติราสิารหน่ หรือ ผูท่้ต้ิองการลงทนุในติราสิารหน่
from 3.3 percent in 2016 on the back of rising exports and a robust tourism sector, consistent with a stronger recovery in global demand. Headline inflation rose to 0.7 percent, following higher energy
operators have committed to increasing 5G customer perception and expanding network coverage in high density of demand areas. As a result, 5G adoption reached around 4mn subscribers, underpinned by the rising
2018 expanded continuously on the back of robust exports and tourism, which is supported by stronger global economic conditions. Exports and tourist arrivals rose by 9.9 percent and 15.4 percent, from
). Testing alignment to the technical screening criteria requires robust and granular data. A combination of third-party data providers together with in-house research can ease the process. The evaluator must