หลักการลงทุนที่รับผิดชอบ ลงทุนที่รับผิดชอบมาใช้ประกอบการตัดสินใจลงทุน และการมีส่วนร่วมของผู้ถือหุ้น (ownership practice) โดยสามารถแบ่งผู้ร่วมลงนาม (signatories) ออกเป็น 3 กลุ่ม ได้แก่ (1) Asset Owner (2
ได้แก่ (1) Asset Owner (2) Investment Manager และ https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=9616 Finance Ministry and investment management industry launch Thailand ESG Fund as an initiative
will invite two of our investor members, one asset owner, and one asset manager a. Sophia Cheng, Chief Investment Officer, Cathay Financial Holdings b. Takeshi Wada, Senior Stewardship Officer, Sumitomo
the public; (4) Selecting and hiring a valuer instead of having the property owner conduct the valuation and reviewing the assumption and rationale used in the valuation to see if they are reasonable
the public; (4) Selecting and hiring a valuer instead of having the property owner conduct the valuation and reviewing the assumption and rationale used in the valuation to see if they are reasonable
Bualuang Securities Plc. and Seamico Securities Plc., respectively, aided and abetted the manipulative trading by executing such trading orders, taking orders from person who was not the account owner, and
client (the true owner of the transferred securities) that the absence of trading confirmation on his account was due to the on-process status of his offer orders for sale, which caused the client to
owner) มีหน้าที่ในการรายงานดังกล่าว จึงเรียนมาเพื่อโปรดทราบและถือปฏิบัติ ขอแสดงความนับถือ (นายประสงค์ วินัยแพทย์)
softened y-on-y from an increase in gas cost per unit by 13.8% for 6M’2019 and 9.4% for Q2’2019 but the lag time adjustment of Ft charge. Normalized net profit (NNP) • NNP / NNP - owner of the parent in
contract) the rental and service fee is about 130 baht per square meter per month(excluding utilities). The lessor and the asset owner is Mrs. Dhanawan Dhanasuwiwath (Previous name and surname : Mrs