amounted 86.14 million baht in 2016 due to the transfer of MARQUE Sukhumvit project which started transferring since July 2017. As of December 30, 2017 , there were about 3,970 million baht of signed
amounted 86.14 million baht in 2016 due to the transfer of MARQUE Sukhumvit project which started transferring since July 2017. As of December 30, 2017 , there were about 3,970 million baht of signed
/2017 totaled THB 369.95 million, decreased from the Q3/2016 totaled THB 287.47 million or 28.69 percent. As a result of effective ownership transferring was decreased: Baan Pha Piyarom Lake Grande, NC on
Baht 349.94 million, which was increased of Baht 47.69 million or 13.63 percent. As a result of effective ownership transferring was increased. These include Baan Pha Piyarom Lake Grande, Baan Pha
โภคบรโิภคทีม่อีัตราการ บรโิภคสงู (Fast moving consumer goods หรอื FMCG) ซึง่ผูบ้รโิภคมกีารจับจ่ายลดลง โดยมสีัดสว่นมูลค่าตลาด และอัตราการเตบิโตของตลาดน ้าผลไมพ้รอ้มดืม่ ปรากฏ อยูใ่นแผนภาพ 2 (ทีม่า
export prices along with global crude oil prices. Meanwhile, tourism sector and private consumption continued to expand especially on account of spending by medium and high income households, although
export prices along with global crude oil prices. Meanwhile, tourism sector and private consumption continued to expand especially on account of spending by medium and high income households, although
business size of medium and small. Government sector postponed the expenditure in short term after had speed up the expenditure in earlier. The economic condition faced to the minus factors and high
consider the size of the participants by their market capitalization, nearly half of them (49%) are small size firms with market capitalization below 3,000 million THB and 22% of the participants are medium
investment in a medium-sized booth of the painting segment to support new orders during the late of year, the expansion of the building and warehouse at Chonburi branch to support business expansion and to