อง (lock screen) ป้องกนัไม่ใหเ้อกสำร ส่ือบนัทึกขอ้มูล คอมพิวเตอร์ หรือสำรสนเทศ อยูใ่นภำวะเส่ียง ต่อกำรเขำ้ถึงโดยผูไ้ม่มีสิทธิ (clear desk) ควบคุมผูใ้ชง้ำนใหร้ะมดัระวงัในกำรใหสิ้ทธิผูอ่ื้นในกำรเขำ้
.) Export sector was impacted from country lock down of the partner countries due to the discontinuance of production chain 3) Government spending and investment shrinkage due to the delay of government
to lock down the country to prevent the spread of COVID-19, travelling means has been disrupted, especially air travel, which expects to take longer to recover back to normal. Also, sales from Index
changed by considering all stakeholders. In 2Q20, overall economy was largely affected by the coronavirus disease (COVID- 19) outbreak globally, including the Thai economy, due mainly to country lock down
second quarter of 2020. The strict lock down policy have been put in place for all countries around the world. All business sectors were impacted during this period, especially tourism sector, resulting
foreclosed properties which totaled Baht 254 million for 3Q20, increasing from Baht 162 million during 3Q19 from the increase in sale activity after the lock down measures ended. Cost-to-income ratio excluding
changed by considering all stakeholders. In 2Q20, overall economy was largely affected by the coronavirus disease (COVID- 19) outbreak globally, including the Thai economy, due mainly to country lock down
show20. Currently hybrids are cheaper than electric cars, but the cost of the latter is decreasing rapidly, and we see no reason to lock in suboptimal technology for the next decade. 16. The transport
มลูอยา่งไร เนื่องจากในปี 2564 ไดร้ับผลกระทบจากการ lock down บรษัิทจดทะเบยีนทีไ่ดร้ับผลกระทบจากสถานการณ์ COVID ขอใหเ้ปิดเผยขอ้มลูเกีย่วกับผลกระทบตาม แนวทางของหนังสอืเวยีนที ่ก.ล.ต. จท-1.(ว) 3/2564 เรือ่ง
appropriate; (2) establish a measure for protection of confidential or sensitive data in case of loss of mobile devices, for example, entering passwords prior to using a mobile device (lock screen) or remote