Ministry of Finance. The approval criteria include clear disclosure of information, fairness and compliance ? there must be no grounds of suspicion regarding the issuer's intention to avoid regulatory
unlawful gains for himself or another person and causes damage to Solaris Asset Management Co., Ltd. and undermined investor confidence in the fairness and integrity of capital markets, which constitutes
instruments.3. In case of TSFC making new borrowings, the new creditors must not have a secured or preferred status over other creditors, so as to maintain fairness among all creditors. In addition, TSFC must
specified by the SEC Office’s Notification, which the intermediary shall fulfill before entering into the transaction for the purpose of transparency or fairness to the client . Clause 23 When an intermediary
Institute in the Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings (GISR) as the company conducts its business with transparency and fairness, disclose information in an accurate, transparent manner and
finanacial statement already audited by the auditor. The mentioned transaction size is valued of more than Baht 1 million but less than Baht 20 million or more than 0.03% but less than 3% of NTA, as the medium
ก่อน โดยมีสำเหตุส่วนใหญ่มำจำกกำรรวมธุรกิจ หำกไม่นบัรวม รำยไดจ้ำก TBSP บริษทัมีรำยไดจ้ำกกำรด ำเนินงำนเพิ่มขึ้นร้อย ละ 12.5 หรือ 78 ลำ้นบำท ส่วนใหญ่เกิดจำกรำยไดใ้นส่วนของ แบบพิมพธุ์รกิจพิเศษ (High-Valued
Capital of JV Company : The Authorised Capital of the New Company is Baht30,000,0001 (IDR14,000,000,000) and the paid- up share capital is Baht7,500,000 (IDR3,500,000,000). 1 Foreign exchange rate is valued
valued at THB 302.01 million which will be amortized by each quarter in accordance to IFRS16 “Leases” as well as the Group’s total liabilities was up by THB 353.21 million, mostly due to the addition of
future Type of Transaction HTECH buys 80% of ordinary shares of MDP from Mr. Thomas Frakes and Mrs. Cynthia Frakes valued at 5.28 million US dollars or approximately 158.28 million baht. Mr. Thomas and Mrs