standards and relevant regulations as well as being communicated to the personnel. Moreover, the inspection results of individual audit engagements in 2017 showed that the overall audit quality had improved
a comparison between the laws and regulations of Home and Host regulators relating to management of NRI CIS (issued by CIS Operator) 9. A fee of THB100,000 (VAT exclusive) [ ] [ ] - Bank draft
กรณีท่ี issuer ไทยไปเสนอขายหุนตอผูลงทุนในตางประเทศ ใหเปนไปตามเกณฑการอนุญาตเสนอขายหุนของหนวยงานกํากับดูแลในประเทศที่ไปเสนอขาย (host country) โดยไมตองยื่นขออนุญาตจากสาํนักงานอีก เพื่อลดภาระกา
มีสิทธิออกเสียง - 10 - 5.2.2 กรณีท่ีเปดเผยตามขอกําหนดของประเทศที่เสนอขาย (host country) แมการจัดทาํ ASEAN Debt Securities Disclosure Standards จะมุงเนนใหเปดเผย ขอมูลที่เปนมาตรฐานรวมกนัใน
CIS authorized in its Home Jurisdiction to be offered in other Host Jurisdictions under a streamlined authorization process. Participating fund managers in signatory jurisdictions using this framework
demonstrating a comparison between the laws and regulations of Home and Host regulators relating to management of NRI CIS ( issued by CIS Operator ) 9. A fee of THB100,000 (VAT exclusive) payable in the form of
document demonstrating a comparison between the laws and regulations of Home and Host regulators relating to management of NRI CIS (issued by CIS Operator) 9. A fee of THB100,000 (VAT exclusive) payable in
the capital market SEC, SET and IOD jointly host a seminar on “Preventing, Deterring and Suppressing improper behaviors of listed companies” SEC updates on the Strong Securities Issuers Project and law
improved relations with workers, creditors, and other stakeholders. Better investor protection can lower the cost of capital and encourage companies to list and raise funds through equity markets. It is
capital market development where the signatories take turn to host the meeting. Among ASEAN nations, the cooperation has been clearly developed and led to the announcement of ASEAN Disclosure Standards and