any profit or loss from positions on derivatives in order to adjust the margin value of the client at least at closing time of normal trading session of every business day; Calculation for the market
any profit or loss from positions on derivatives in order to adjust the margin value of the client at least at closing time of normal trading session of every business day; Calculation for the market
revenue streams to mitigate the risk of reliance on sales in China. Currently, the Company received good feedbacks from the market expansion in the Philippines but still could not compensate for the
and products, smart investment based on risk profile, basic portfolio building, how to exercise investor rights to avoid frauds and scams. There are also edutainment activities such risk-taking games
Valley University, USA. He also obtained a Master of Science – Finance (Financial Risk Management) (1st Class Honors) from University of Reading, UK, as a recipient of an SEC scholarship. Additionally, he
Administration (CFDA) at the beginning of 2 0 1 8 as the Company had to redesign its packaging to comply with the requirements of the license. Furthermore, the Company also found it necessary to adjust its sales
the sale volume decreased from the government’s policy to adjust the biodiesel mandatory. However, the average selling price of Glycerine was increased, resulting the increased in the performance from
Thailand. E-mail: บริษัท เอไอ เอนเนอร์จี จ ำกดั (มหำชน) AI Energy Public Company Limited ทะเบียนเลขที่ 0107556000311 affected from the government’s policy to adjust the biodiesel mandatory
development are more than mere risk mitigation tools. Rather, they will be the key drivers of long-term competitiveness and profitability in this uncertain and fast-changing world. Ultimately, the success of
DJSI. If yes, assess whether the disclosure can be applied to TCFD 3.3 3.4 Evaluate internal risk management processes and consider whether they can be adapted to incorporate climate-related risks