อย่างไรก็ดี หากจะบรรลุเป้าหมายภายใต้ความตกลงปารีส การมุ่งเน้นสนับสนุนเฉพาะกิจกรรมสีเขียวอาจไม่เพียงพอ แต่ต้องครอบคลุมถึงอุตสาหกรรมที่ยังคงปล่อย GHG สูง และลดการปล่อย GHG ได้ยาก (hard-to-abate sector) เช่น
ผูกพัน3 1) ผลความคืบหน้าโครงการ3 หมายเหตุ : 1 ส่งผ่านระบบ E-Reporting 2 ส่งทาง email : dpsec@sec.or.th หรือส่งเอกสาร hard copy ที่ส านักงาน ก.ล.ต. 3 ให้เปิดเผยตามวิธีการทีเ่ปิดไวก้อ่นการเสนอขาย 4 กรณีเสนอ
stemmed from the relocation of the manufacturing base of hard disk drive to Thailand earlier. Meanwhile, public spending in capital expenditure slightly declined from the high base of last year. For export
equipment in line with the import of capital goods which partly stemmed from the relocation of the manufacturing base of hard disk drive to Thailand earlier. Meanwhile, public spending in capital expenditure
exempting fees for application and filing submitted during February 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023. We hope this exemption will further reduce a burden to private sector in this difficult time.”
means these are potential markets. We will work hard to maintain our market share in domestic market by improving our sales strategy, developing new products fulfilling market needs and continuing to grow
demands from the Hard Disk Drive industry in Thailand, in which some of the production base had moved to Thailand and some main customers have been increasing its capacity, results in the installations of
capable, honest, and hard-working for long-term business success.
subsidiaries had a total revenue of THB 757.67 million, increasing THB 168.88 million, or 28.00%, from the same nine-month period in 2016. The increase in revenue is mainly due to the recovery in the Hard Disk
the increasing demands from the Hard Disk Drive industry in Thailand, in which some of the production base had moved to Thailand and some main customers have been increasing its capacity, results in the