, Clause 18(6) and Clause 19 of the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. KorNor. 30/2547 Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Establishment and Management of Funds dated 10 June
necessary documents in support of the application for approval of establishment of a feeder fund, in line with the normal practice. The SEC will not proceed with the application if no SFC Eligibility
application for approval of establishment of a feeder fund, in line with the normal practice. The SEC will not proceed with the application if no SFC Eligibility Certificate is received from the SFC. The SEC
necessary documents in support of the application for approval of establishment of a feeder fund, in line with the normal practice. The SEC will not proceed with the application if no SFC Eligibility
Additional Provisions for Establishment and Management of Mutual Funds under the Mutual Recognition of Funds between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People?s Republic of China and
Wealth Creation International Advisory Securities Company Limited Wealth Creation International Advisory Securities Company Limited (“WCI”), an investment advisory company, failed to prepare and
thereof resulted primarily from the company prepare for listing on the Stock Exchange of Thailand included the creation of a team of internal auditors; effective internal control system of the company and
the core business operation from formation of vision, objectives and strategies to business risk assessment and day-to-day activities, for example, product design, raw material procurement, production
Exchange Commission Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. KorNor. 30/2547 Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Establishment and Management of Funds _____________ The supervision of
concerning Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Establishment and Management of Infrastructure Fund, or the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning Rules, Conditions and Procedures for