’s Agenda, and/or change of the determination of shareholders who shall be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather
or documents given by a client, the intermediary shall review and update such information without delay by taking the following actions: (a) gather and recheck information in addition to the normal
actions: (a) gather and recheck information in addition to the normal course of operation; (b) seek information on the source of income used for executing the client’s transactions; (c) arrange for the
actions: (a) gather and recheck information in addition to the normal course of operation; (b) seek information on the source of income used for executing the client’s transactions; (c) arrange for the
part of 2017, will have a cumulative impact in the performance for 2019, which promises to be yet another trailblazing year. Production volume is expected to increase to 13.0 MMt, which is a huge
to be the ‘New Urbanized Districts’ whilst allocate 37 rais to develop a huge green area, “Central Plearn Park” and 2.) CentralPlaza Ramindra, under the concept of ‘Living Lab of Ramindra’ to assist an
shareholders who shall be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as it deemed appropriate under the
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as it deemed appropriate under the applicable laws. Please be informed accordingly
the determination of shareholders who shall be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (Record Date) and to amend or change the date to gather the names of shareholders as
มีระบบการตรวจสอบฝายจัดการวาไดปฏิบัติตามหลักเกณฑที่กําหนด (2) การกําหนดปจจัยหรือเหตุการณที่ถือวาสภาวะตลาดมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงไป อยางมีนัยสําคัญ เชน Stock Market Crash หรือ Huge Interest Rate Swing