business amounted to Baht 44,283 million, an increase of 7.1% from the end of 2016. Commercial Lending includes real estate development loans and SMEs loans, details are as follows: Real estate development
million, an increase of 7.1% from the end of 2016. Commercial Lending includes real estate development loans and SMEs loans, details are as follows: Real estate development loans (RE) were Baht 21,276
(7.4) EBITDAR Ratio (%) (0.5) 8.7 (9.2) 12.7 19.8 (7.1) Remarks (1) Comprises of gain on sale of investments, sale of investment in subsidiaries and sale of assets. (2) EBIT, EBIT margins, EBITDA, EBITDA
business amounted to Baht 59,766 million, contracted by 1.9% from the end of 2019. Commercial Lending includes real estate development loans and SMEs loans, details are as follows: Real estate development
statements. Therefore, the auditor was unable to express his opinion on the aforementioned financial statements. Such information includes cash account, purchases and sales transactions in cash, executive
. Such information includes cash account, purchases and sales transactions in cash, executive remuneration, tax penalty, and accounts receivable previously recorded as stock under consignment in 2011 and
clients are able to bring a dispute into the arbitration procedures when they do not agree with complaint handling process made by securities and derivatives companies. The revision also includes abolishing
needs and getting to know various financial products. Also, information to share with the visitors includes how to plan asset allocation with risk diversification; properly select securities companies
needs and getting to know various financial products. Also, information to share with the visitors includes how to plan asset allocation with risk diversification; properly select securities companies
The SEC has improved the procedure for handling complaints from investors and the general public to ensure better service quality. The new procedure includes three phases of clearer status updates to