service Other income Total revenues Segment revenue variance (million Baht) 3,407.47 (7.01) 139.66 (6.71) 3,533.41 (11.57) 3,521.84 The difference of rates revenue (%) 174.20 (100.00) 13,175.47 (40.69
variance (million Baht) 927.29 (9.78) 917.51 1.88 919.39 The difference of rates revenue (%) 16.85 (100.00) 16.64 37.92 16.66 Sales cost variance (million Baht) 1,004.62 (17.44) 987.18 0.00 987.18 The rate
Administrative Expenese due to accounting adjusted of doubtful debt amounted of Baht 22.5 million in 1Q2018 and professional fee for new projects according business plan; ii) 10.5% decrease of Other Income from
major receivables, which was famous automobile manufacturing companies in Thailand. As a result, the Company did not set the allowance for doubtful accounts. Average days sales of inventory were 20 days
of Administrative Expenese due to accounting adjusted of doubtful debt amounted of Baht 22.5 million in 1Q2018 and professional fee for new projects according business plan; ii) 10.5% decrease of Other
, 2020 as follows: Company’s Performance (unit: THB million) 2020 2019 Difference Percentage Revenue from Media-advertising 15.57 - 15.57 100.00 Revenue from organizing concerts - 5.62 - - Sale income 8.26
31, 2020 as follows: Company’s Performance (unit: THB million) 2020 2019 Difference Percentage Revenue from Media-advertising 20.99 - 20.99 100.00 Revenue from organizing concerts - - - - Sale income
1Q2017, mainly from an increase in interest paid on borrowings from financial institutions and bill of exchange. 2.4 Bad debt and doubtful accounts (reversal) The Company has bad debt and doubtful accounts
Limited (TUCC) in such a way as to take advantage of other persons by using material non-public information concerning the recording allowance for doubtful account on 26 trade accounts receivable worth Baht
other persons by using material non-public information concerning the recording allowance for doubtful account on 26 trade accounts receivable worth Baht 43.99 million which resulted in TUCC’s Baht 104.86