and its subsidiaries had profit before interest and tax of Baht 341.41 million. After deducting the finance cost of Baht 4.83 million, income tax of Baht 67.95 million, net profit sharing to minority
Company and its subsidiaries had profit before interest and tax of Baht 71.92 million. After deducting the financial expense of Baht 1.33 million and income tax of Baht 14.11 million and adding the share of
value of the projects after deducting the value recognized of over than 1.7 Billion Baht. The Company is aiming to sell and develop the projects as planned in the next 1 – 2 year later. In addition, the
residential projects are as follows: . From the current residential projects above, the value after deducting the recognized revenue of the transferred units equals to 1.47 billion Baht. The Company aims to
Bt2,214.30mn, from interest bearing debt increase bt18.03mn, due to cash flow management. Total shareholders’ equity was Bt1,027.91mn, as a result of Bt353.77mn of 2020 9-month net profit, deducting shares
; Remitting the remaining income to the State after deducting the expenses and reserves as approved by the Minister. 6.2 Accountability towards regulated persons and the public Organizing a focus group and/or
broadcasting costs of Baht 15.19 million. Thus, profit before expenses was Baht 36.66 million and after deducting the total expenses of Baht 245.63 million, which included administrative expenses of Baht 105.23
broadcasting costs of Baht 15.19 million. Thus, profit before expenses was Baht 36.66 million and after deducting the total expenses of Baht 245.63 million, which included administrative expenses of Baht 105.23
exchange gain and advisory fee revenue totaling gain Baht 1 million and hedging cost of Baht 2 million. In summary, total HF gain after cost of hedging was Baht 97 million 4 Income before deducting the cost
cost of hedging was Baht 97 million 4 Income before deducting the cost of hedging, once deducting those costs, net gain was Baht 230 million