maintaining promotional and marketing expenses to strengthen relationship with customer and build brand awareness. The Company’s administrative expenses reported at Baht 25.6 million decreased by 12.2% compared
เท่านัน้!! • 4 ดา้น • Business Case • HR Policy • Code of Conduct • Training and Awareness • ประยุกตใ์หเ้ขา้กบับรบิทไทยโดยเฉพาะ • ธุรกจิ และ องคก์ร LGBTI รว่มจดัท า • มตีวัอย่างและแนวปฏบิตัทิีน่ าไปปรบั
Standards. Similar ACMF Roundtables will be held throughout the region to raise awareness as well as to encourage greater adoption of the ASEAN Green Bond Standards.The ACMF also agreed to carry out a series
raise the awareness of the importance of educating and protecting investors. The SEC is delighted to join this international campaign because we share the same objective as reflected in our continuing
, such as ESG information/disclosure standards, analytical tools, and stakeholder awareness and engagement.The ACMF also welcomed feedback from institutional investors during the meeting, through the ACMF
areas to enhance investor protection; for example, running public information campaigns to raise awareness about class-action litigation as a way to protect investors’ rights, improving the investor
, suppliers and partners. More listed businesses in each province will benefit the growth of Thai capital market and economy. The Project participants have become change agents to raise awareness among local
their awareness on asset allocations. In addition, they should be able to give advice on suitable financial products for investors with a view to achieving sufficient savings upon retirement. Since all
recognition of their work and effort for further improvement.?Mr. Prateep Tangmatitham, TLCA Vice Chairman said that ?The Thai Listed Companies Association has promoted listed companies? awareness and
-making of shareholders.?Investors are a key component in the quality chain of listed company supervision. Apart from the awareness of their own rights, investors are advised to proactively protect them by