capability of seeking other sources of funds, together with the current loss and problems in GSTEEL group. IFA opines that the terms and conditions of the agreement is reasonable and beneficial to the company
market by increasing the number of auditors in the capital market and enhance the audit personnel?s capability in response to changes of professional standards and more complex transactions. Under this
is also at the heart of the insurance sector’s strategy with the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC)’s vision of building knowledge, capability, and confidence of the public in applying the insurance
reasonable care) (3) ปฏิบติัหนำ้ท่ีดว้ยควำมรู้ควำมสำมำรถ ทกัษะ และมีควำมเอำใจใส่ต่อกำรด ำเนินงำนของกองทุน (skill competence and diligence) (4) เป็นผูมี้ควำมอิสระและมีควำมเท่ียงธรรมปรำศจำกควำมขดัแยง้ทำงผล
, with fast growing ecosystem for 5G. A contiguous 100MHz bandwidth secure our long term competitiveness and capability to meet the full speed of 5G connectivity with the most efficient investment. 26GHz
78.79 4.09 44.98 1824.15% 75.16% Profit sharing Attributed to the shareholders of the Company 55.27 9.43 30.27 486.24% 82.59% Attributed to the stakeholders with non-controlling capability in subsidiary
78.79 4.09 44.98 1824.15% 75.16% Profit sharing Attributed to the shareholders of the Company 55.27 9.43 30.27 486.24% 82.59% Attributed to the stakeholders with non-controlling capability in subsidiary
sale revenue increase by 4.43% results in better profit margin compare to the year 2018 which is increase by 10.87 million baht due to the company has more capability to control waste thus, the
145.73 Attributed to the stakeholders with non-controlling capability in subsidiary companies 3.69 - 3.69 100.00 The Company's service income for the three-month period ended March 31, 2017 was 329.23
&D to improve its capability of receiving new wastes. This also help the company to lower its waste treatment cost. The progress of Map Ta Put project (RDF) is now approximately 70 percent, it is