investor, business partner, financial institution and the stakeholders. As a result, the Company view that the allocation and offering of capital increase ordinary shares to the Investor is reasonable as
audit partner”) หมายความว่า ผู้สอบบัญชี ที่รับผิดชอบงาน ผู้สอบทานการควบคุมคุณภาพงาน หรือผู้สอบบัญชีอื่นในกลุ่มผู้ปฏิบัติงาน ซึ่งเป็นผู้ตัดสินใจหลักหรือใช้ดุลยพินิจในเร่ืองที่ส าคัญเกี่ยวกับการตรวจสอบงบการ
to THB 10,145mn, predominantly due to the increase in revenue from hotel operations as a result of the hotel portfolio expansion and revenue from the sales of Mo Chit Land. • EBITDA reached THB 3,195mn
Increase Form (F 53-4) (Revised version) 2. The Preliminary Features of Warrants to Purchase Ordinary Shares of the Company No.3 (JMART-W3) (Revised version) 3. The Preliminary Features of Warrants to
Mr. Pichit Chatskulwong's account, her husband's friend, by using material information to changes in the prices of securities, prior to disclosure such information to the public on 11 August
program, to increase the usage frequency on existing customers and encourage new customers For the operating result in 1Q2020, the total transaction amount was Bt9,630mn, decreasing 6.8% YoY. However, the
, and the increase in number of competitors’ kiosks. The details of total revenue are as follows: 1) Income from rendering of top-up service for prepaid phone and receipt of online services (Commission
protection and reciprocal retaliation between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China along with an increase in federal funds rate, which negatively affect trading-partner economies
of 2019, the Company had the inventory decreased by 322.7 million Baht to the level of 1,006.4 million Baht at the end of 2019. Besides, being a trading partner with AIS, the number one network
31 st March, 2018 which was reviewed by authorized Auditor with the details as follows: The total revenues of the Company and its Subsidiaries in the Quarter 1/2018 was 165.55 million Baht, an increase