ชี้ชวนส่วนสรุป_TISCOUP1_120412 1 ก ก ! " 1 ก ก ก ก 1 (TISCO Roll Up Bond Fund #1) ก,-./0-กก123ก3ก,/ ก456-7 ก 8-/ก9 ก 1,000,000,000 < (=0,) 10 < (
ชี้ชวนส่วนสรุป_TISCOUP2_120412 1 ก ก ! " 2 ก ก ก ก 2 (TISCO Roll Up Bond Fund #2) ก-./01.กก234ก4ก-0 ก567.8 ก 9.0ก: ก 1,000,000,000 = (>1=?-) 10 = ( ==?-) ! " !# !$% !"!&' !"กก 27
Short Form_TISCOUP3 1 ก ก ! " 3 ก ก ก ก 3 (TISCO Roll Up Bond Fund #3) ก-./01.กก234ก4ก-0 ก567.8 ก 9.0ก: ก 1,000,000,000 = (>1=?-) 10 = ( ==?-) ! " !# !$% !"!&' !"กก 27 B. 2553
ชี้ชวนส่วนสรุป_TISCOUP4_reduce mgt®istrar fee 1 ก ก ! " 4 ก ก ก ก 4 (TISCO Roll Up Bond Fund #4) ก-./01.กก234ก4ก-0 ก567.8 ก 9.0ก: ก 1,000,000,000 = (>1=?-) 4= @3ก3: ก 1. ABกCก
ชี้ชวนส่วนสรุป_TISCOUP5_filing & reduce fee 1 ก ก ! " 5 ก ก ก ก 5 (TISCO Roll Up Bond Fund #5) ก-./01.กก234ก4ก-0 ก567.8 ก 9.0ก: ก 1,000,000,000 = (>1=?-) 4= @3ก3: ก 1. ABกCก A4B
ชี้ชวนส่วนสรุป_TISCOUP6_filing & reduce mgt fee + registrar fee_090911 1 ก ก ! " 6 ก ก ก ก 6 (TISCO Roll Up Bond Fund #6) ก-./01.กก234ก4ก-0 ก567.8 ก 9.0ก: ก 1,000,000,000 = (>1
combined market capitalization of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Market for Alternative Investment was 14.24 trillion baht, up 21.97 percent from 2013. The average daily trading volume of 45,466
75,00,000 – 100,000,000 0.03 90.05 มำกกวำ่ 100,000,000 – 500,000,000 0.05 - มำกกวำ่ 500,000,000 – 1,000,000,000 0.07 - มำกกวำ่ 1,000,000,000 0.1 - หมำยเหตุ: 1 รำคำประเมินทุนทรัพยข์องบริษทัฯ อำจไม่เป็นรำคำเดีย
public investment is expected due to historically large government capital budget as well as mega project investment to support Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) amounting to more than 1 trillion baht. 3
particularly the tourism sector, Q1 outlook is optimistic for Golden Lime as the new dolime product gains traction and with the positive impact from the sugar season. The delayed 3.2 trillion baht budget is