discipline, training students on correct financial management principles, encouraging responsibility and instilling the habit of spending time on activities that are beneficial to the community by
October 24, 2017. The selling price is related to the market price in the same area. 5. Particulars of related person As of September 30, 2017, EKH is a major share holder of the company, with holding
from the Board of Directors, and disclose the information to the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Page 2/2 5. Particulars of related person As of October 31, 2019, EKH is a major share holder of the company
corporate governance principles to family-controlled businesses, expectations from institutional investors and disclosure of beneficial ownership in businesses in Asia. -------------* Established https
Identification And Beneficial Ownership For The Securities Industry และ Anti-Money Laundering Guidance for Collective Investment Schemes จึงขอเปิดโอกาสให้บริษัทหลักทรัพย์และผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ http://law.sec.or.th
of enterprises which are environmentally beneficial in the following issues: (1) solutions to reduce pollution; (2) promotion of biodiversity conservation; and (3) measures against the adverse
restrictions or obstacles in business operations in order to prescribe rules which are appropriate, practical and beneficial to stakeholders. This revision of notifications is not applicable to securities
the development of the application that would be beneficial for investors, with which basic information can be convenient found and inspected. This application is another one of the measures
management companies must not charge the funds an advertisement fee, except that the advertisement is evenly beneficial to the funds and all unit holders. Also, the companies must not charge the funds for the
also beneficial to the firms? readiness for more intensified competition and challenges in the upcoming ASEAN Economic Community.SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak revealed that ?Yesterday, the