the filing form, including scenario analysis such as: In case where principal repayment depend on the underlying, shall clearly specify such conditions i.e. At the maturity date: - If the share price of
quarter continuously. Hence, the NESDB has cut down its growth forecast for the Thai economy in 2023 to the range of 2 .5 % which is lower than the earlier expectation, in which the supporting factors still
42.1% Share of profit/loss from JVs/associaties (equity income) (24.7) 3.4 N.A. 8.6 N.A. Finance cost 458.2 113.0 305.5% 208.1 120.2% Reported Net Profit/Loss (253.7) (162.5) 56.1% (80.8) 213.9% GOP
split which came into effect on 31 October 2018, adjusted the par value of both share types to THB 100 per share from THB 1 per share and the rights of U-W1 and U-W4 tradeable warrants to an exercise
management measures in response to investors? risk tolerance and expectation, taking into account such factors as product quality, risk diversification, limitation for investment in high-risk products and
regarding its business and human rights practice in the 56-1 One report in 2022 in response to the expectation of global investors who weigh in on this data and preferably use it for investment decisions
sustainability goals can be met.Ms. Pornanong Budsaratragoon, Secretary General, Securities Exchange Commission of Thailand (SEC) said "Thai capital market is entering a chapter of increased expectation on
Expense 0.03 0.002% (0.75) (0.07%) (0.77) (103.62%) 4.36 0.31% 4.33 (99.38%) Net Profit (Loss) 82.41 5.44% 54.98 5.34% 27.42 49.88% 76.56 5.45% 5.85 7.64% Earnings per share (Baht per share) 0.016 0.011
Distribution of Newly Issued Shares and Share Warrants by Issuer
expectation, Not only exporting business but Travelling business also have trend to growing less than expected and moreover Thai foreign exchange rate of the Baht was appreciate that cause Financial