Together’ program, ‘Section 33 We Love Each Other’ and the ‘We Win’ program. Even though these stimulus schemes have helped to offset the effects of weak consumer confidence to some degree, these efforts
analysis - 2, 3, 4 degree Celsius global temperature rise - Clean energy technology - Different carbon pricing กำรพิจำรณำต้นทุนกำรด ำเนินกำรที่สูงขึ้น ของ investee companies เช่น กำรเปลี่ยนไปใช้เทคโนโลยีท่ี
. (b) The criteria for eligibility of engagement quality control reviewers through the technical qualifications and the degree to which the reviewer could be consulted on the engagement without
accepted by the Office* 1 A bachelor’s degree or higher Work experience in Thailand or foreign countries for a total period of not less than 2 years during a period of 5 years prior to the application date
category A investor contact from the Office or the training institute accepted by the Office* 1 A bachelor’s degree or higher Work experience in Thailand or foreign countries for a total period of not less
category A investor contact from the Office or the training institute accepted by the Office* 1 A bachelor’s degree or higher Work experience in Thailand or foreign countries for a total period of not less
estimates by research tends to vary to some degree. The company has therefore decided not to carry out such analysis going forward. Nonetheless, reflecting on its market share, VGI estimated that in 2017 its
help expand the customer base and create ecological system. FSMART will have a complete database to contribute more valuable things in the future.
. FSMART will have a complete database to contribute more valuable things in the future.
Directors Meeting of the Company No.6/2019, which the Audit Committee is also attended, has considered information regarding the investment and deemed that this transaction is reasonable and valuable to the