joint venture company between the Company’s overseas subsidiary, Carabao Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited (“CHHK”), and an unrelated party of Singaporean business partner, Intercarabao Private Limited (“ICSG
joint venture company between the Company’s overseas subsidiary, Carabao Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited (“CHHK”), and an unrelated party of Singaporean business partner, Intercarabao Private Limited (“ICSG
management company exceed 5 percent of total shares sold of management company 2. Person who hold shares or be a partner of person in 1. exceed 30 percent of the total shares sold or amount of contribution of
following 1. Person who holds shares of management company exceed 5 percent of total shares sold of management company 2. Person who hold shares or be a partner of person in 1. exceed 30 percent of the total
manner as the following 1. Person who holds shares of management company exceed 5 percent of total shares sold of management company 2. Person who hold shares or be a partner of person in 1. exceed 30
3.7% in the second quarter higher than 3.3% in the previous quarter. This was mainly from the acceleration of exports, goods, and services in line with the pick up of the trading partner economy and the
ผู้สมัคร ควรอนุญำตให้เฉพำะผู้สมคัรที่ม ีrequired set of qualifications เข้ำร่วม โครงกำร นอกจำกนี้ ผู้สมัครควรมีกำรเป็น partner กับบรษิัทหลักทรัพย์ เพื่อให้มั่นใจว่ำนวัตกรรมจะไม่สร้ำงผลกระทบต่อตลำดทุน
of such persons is the employer of the purchaser / transferor of the securities; business relationship, e.g., strategic partner, trade partner, etc; other forms of relationship. Specify. In case of
บัญชี (partner)1 46 - 407 2.9% - 6.5% 1.57% - 7.20% 1 หุ้นส่วนงานสอบบัญชี หมายถึง ผูร้ับผิดชอบหลักต่องานสอบบัญชี ไดแ้ก ่หุ้นส่วนที่ลงนามในรายงานการสอบบัญชี (“signing partner”) และหุ้นสว่นที่ รับผิดชอบงาน
of such persons is the employer of the purchaser / transferor of the securities; business relationship, e.g., strategic partner, trade partner, etc; other forms of relationship. Specify. In case of