ส่วนของบริษัทใหญ่มีการตดิตัง้เครื่องจักรใหม่ตลอดทัง้ปี 2559 ท าใหม้ีก าลังการผลติเพิ่มมากขึน้ ตามล าดับ ทัง้ในสว่นผลติภัณฑเ์ดมิ และผลติภัณฑใ์หม่ทีเ่ป็น High-end ซึง่เริม่ผลติในชว่งปลายปี 2559 จงึ สามารถ
ของบรษัิทยอ่ยอืน่ๆ ในสว่นของบรษัิทใหญ่มกีารตดิตัง้เครือ่งจักรใหม่ตลอดทัง้ปี 2559 ท าใหม้กี าลังการผลติเพิม่มากขึน้อยา่ง ตอ่เนื่อง ทัง้ในสว่นผลติภัณฑเ์ดมิ และผลติภัณฑใ์หม่ทีเ่ป็น High-end ซึง่เริม่ผลติ
installations of new machines throughout the year 2017. So, the Company had an increase in production capacity beginning from Q2/2017 for existing products as well as new high- end products, which enabled the
from China, Indonesia, Turkey, Europe, and high price competitiveness limited sale to Baht 897.0 million, decreased by 11.1%. Sales contributions were from domestic sales 25.2% and export sales 74.8
, results in the installations of new machines throughout the year 2017. So, the Company had an increase in production capacity beginning from Q3/2017 for existing products as well as new high- end products
household purchasing power remained weak. Despite improvements of both farm and nonfarm income, households’ purchasing power is compressed by the high debt burden and the waning confidence regarding
consecutive year. However, the company’s securities has selected in the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index reference 30 shares group in the SET100
Management Discussion and Analysis Analysis of Overall Performance The distribution business of the plastic resins, plastic, and petrochemical related products needs relatively high working capital. The key
liabilities) of the Group was at 9.9 times which decreased from the end of the prior year but it was high liquidity. The debt to equity ratio of the Group was at 0.12 times, the proportion of the liabilities
consecutive year. However, the company’s securities has selected in the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index reference 30 shares group in the SET100