to Owners of the Parent adjusted by Foreign Exchange Gain or Loss. For Normalized Share of Profit from Investments in 2018 is adjusted with Adjustments of Revenue Levelization (TFRS 15) for comparison
% 7.69% Even though the total revenue decreased compared to the previous year, the net profit margins are improving as a result of the gain from foreign exchange in the 3-month period ended 31 March 2020
(6.8) (24.7) (138.0) Non-Controlling Interests (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (2.2) Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent 272.5 716.2 443.7 162.8 Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss) 240.0 250.6 10.7 4.4 Normalized
Profit Margin of 28.690/o. This decrease in Gross Profit Margin was from appreciation of Baht against other currencies causing lower revenue and gross proflt although the company raised sales volume. For
high net profit of THB 1,424mn. VGI Digital Lab’s revenue exceeded its 1st year target, driving growth in the Company’s Digital Services segment by 117.5%. Following deconsolidation of Master Ad
to be recognized in 2018. (Unit : Million Baht) 2018 2017 Change % Change Operating revenue 406.54 351.36 55.18 15.70% Operating cost 337.23 293.88 Gross profit 69.31 57.49 11.83 20.58% Gross profit
7.7% 4,299 8.0% 556 12.9% Total revenue 63,405 100.0% 53,493 100.0% 9,912 18.5% Cost of sales of goods 38,713 61.1% 33,212 62.1% 5,501 16.6% Gross profit from sales(2) 14,273 26.9% 13,959 29.6% 314 2.2
% (92.69) (104.36) 12.59% Operating profit 70.47 13.71 34.93 -50.43% 154.78% 165.59 119.51 -27.83% Investment income 0.13 0.72 0.49 276.92% -31.94% 0.32 1.61 403.13% Net foreign exchange gain/(loss) (0.86
39.6% (282) (1.4%) Revenue from rental services 1,800 3.4% 1,635 3.3% 165 10.1% Revenue from rendering of services 403 0.8% 372 0.7% 31 8.4% Investment income 41 0.1% 188 0.4% (147) (78.3%) Gain on
the associate and joint venture valued profit Baht 10.76 million when comparing to the last year with loss Baht 0.87 million. This sharing of gain (loss) has come from the investment in energy business