shares, at a par value of Baht 10 per share, equivalent to the total value of Baht 510,000,000, (the “Investment in Ordinary Shares of S-TREK”) which the payment of such shares shall be by means of share
traded in the markets of World Federation of Exchanges or WFE?s members.Those planning to invest in foreign gold ETFs may do so after the SET has allowed gold shops who meet its requirements to register as
, and 4) Mayongchid Panna Cotta Frappe. Note: The restaurant service business includes dessert shops, cafes, bars, limited-time restaurants, and self-service restaurants. Dividend Approval for Fiscal Year
, 2019, passed a resolution to sell 666,332,580 newly issued shares, at a par value of Baht 1 per share, to existing shareholders through a rights offering process, at a price of Baht 1.20 per share
-up stores in tourist destination, which included Khao-Sō-i restaurant in Chiang Mai under the concept of "After You Tea House”, offering entirely new items that are not available at other branches
) (282) -31% Net profit attributable to owners of the parent 620 370 68% (1,546) 140% 1,732 2,463 -30% Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.38 0.27 (1.12) 1.18 1.79 Note: 1/ EBITDA from Refinery Business of
for the product distribution of the retail shops and wholesales shops nationwide. The financial cost has been increasing not only the issuance and offering of the debentures since June this year with
) Comprising 10,000 ordinary shares at the value of 100 THB per share Investment Proportion: 50% of registered capital Shareholding Structure: 1. L.P.N. Development Public Co., Ltd. 49% 2. Nye Estate Co., Ltd
business under the operation of Jaymart Mobile Company Limited ("Jay Mart Mobile"). In the past Q2/2020, the company closed branches following the closure of department stores with the lock down policy of
government’s relaxation of COVID-19 prevention measures. Expand “After You Marketplace” Stores • In the first quarter of 2022, the Company opened the first After You Marketplace standalone store on Pradipat Road