the decrease in selling and administrative expenses but also the better performance of GPSC’s power plants especially IRPC Clean Power Phase 1 whose main customer returned to operate as normal from the
issued shares from capital increase of LAC, for the amount of 50 million shares, at the purchase price of CAD 0.85 per share, totaling the investment value of CAD 42.50 million, and signed the following
previous year. It is as a result of the expansion of rental business since the end of 2018. The income from rental fee at Lumpini Township Rangsit-Klong 1 Phase 3 increases 80%. In 2020, condominium units in
534.6% Share of profit (loss) from investment in an associate and joint ventures (50.2) (2.9%) (158.8) (13.8%) (108.6) (216.3%) Finance costs (Interest expenses) 205.5 11.7% 196.8 17.1% (8.8) (4.3
of Phase 1B was already booked in this period, resulting into a loss during November to December as abovementioned. Share of Profit from Investments in Associates from Power Business during 2019 was
million or 10.3%(y-o-y) , representing Net profit margin of 26.9% and 27.5% respectively. Thus have earnings per share of Bt0.40 and Bt1.22. In Q3/2019 and the nine months of 2019, the Group has been
งด้ำนสภำพ ภูมิอำกำศ • กำรตรวจสอบ (monitor) ควำมเสี่ยงด้ำนสภำพ ภูมิอำกำศของพอร์ตกำรลงทุน อย่ำงสม่ ำเสมอ ซึ่งรวมถึง ควำมเสี่ยงทำงกำยภำพ (physical risk) ด้วย Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 กำรจัดท ำ scenario
has progress in sales as follows. area (Rai-Ngan-Wah) height (floor) unit progress 12 June, 2015 31 May, 2016 31 May, 2017 Phase 1 1-3-89 8 141 Reservations 115 rooms Empty 16 rooms Sold 96 rooms
-o- y) from Bt305.6 million in Q1/2017, representing a Net profit margin of 35.3% compared to 34.4% which has an earnings per share of Bt0.51. Table summarized the operating results of the Group (unit
million or 1% from Q3/2017, as a result of the Commercial Operation Date (COD) of IRPC-CP Phase 2 and Ichinoseki Solar Power 1 GK (ISP1) in Q4/2017 even though the selling and administrative expenses