about saving and investment. Commercial banks and the TBAC are therefore pleased to be part of this important campaign and would like to confirm our commitment to further help promote sound financial
being satisfied: 1) FPI has obtained the approval for the entry into the transaction from the shareholders’ meeting due to the transaction size of the acquisition of up to 40% shares of total paid-up
being satisfied: 1) FPI has obtained the approval for the entry into the transaction from the shareholders’ meeting due to the transaction size of the acquisition of up to 40% shares of total paid-up
consideration to the Company and TSEO upon the following conditions precedents being satisfied: 1) FPI has obtained the approval for the entry into the transaction from the shareholders’ meeting due to the
Nam San 3A, and has satisfied other conditions as agreed with BIC. (3) If Nam San 3A can negotiate on the Operation and Maintenance Agreement with the contractor as the Seller has agreed with BIC, BIC
and EP dated 31 July 2020 are satisfied in order to be the transferee of the all sale shares of RPV. In this regard, such transaction is deemed to be a disposal of assets under the notification of the
distributors The Company anticipates that after all the conditions precedent specified in the related agreements have been satisfied with the Notification of the Capital Market Subsidiary Board No. Torchor 21
reasonable in the normal course of business due to all transactions are taking to supporting the business operation and also the terms and conditions are satisfied. 8. The Board of Directors had approved the
Make a purchase from distributors The Company anticipates that after all the conditions precedent specified in the related agreements have been satisfied with the Notification of the Capital Market
Make a purchase from distributors The Company anticipates that after all the conditions precedent specified in the related agreements have been satisfied with the Notification of the Capital Market