credit line of the revolving short-term borrowings with financial institutions including bank overdraft in amount of THB 242.00 million, short-term loans, letters of credit, trust receipts, packing credit
been redeemed within the said limit. The debentures which the Company has issued but not yet redeemed at any time must not exceed the above mentioned amount (revolving basis). Offering Offering all the
safe for human consumption redistributed to humans or animals within UK operations In 2020, our Revolving Credit Facility was aligned to the Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles1 (“SLLP 2020”) published
engagements to determine whether objectivity and independence according to the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants were properly maintained, as well as rotating those individuals off the audit team. 12
For more information, visit Welcome! We will begin shortly. 1. Click on "Interpretation" icon 2. Click "Thai" for live interpretation Thai audio 3. Mute Original Audio (optional) How to connect to Thai language live-translation TCFD: Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ESG : Environment, Social, and Governance CDP: Carbon Disclosure Project (Event Organiser) SBT: Science-based target SBTi: Science-based Targets Initiative NDC: Nationally Determined C...
ลา่ว โดยหุน้กูที้บรษัิทออกจาํหน่ายแลว้แต่ยงัไม่ไดร้บัการไถ่ถอนไม่วา่ ณ ในขณะใด ขณะหนงึจะตอ้งมีจาํนวนไมเ่กินวงเงินดงักลา่วขา้งตน้ (revolving basis) การเสนอขาย เสนอขายหุน้กูท้งัหมดในคราวเดียวโดยแบ่งหุน้กู
financial compensation for covered losses to a building or structure. Corporate loans: Loans and credit facilities extended to companies. Includes both term loans and revolving credit facilities. Includes
indebtedness of a revolving nature before being redrawn for investments or disbursements to Nominated Projects & Assets. Climate Bonds Standard Version 3.0 Draft - Second Consultation 16 8. Reporting 8.1. The
1 (-Translation-) Ref. No. IRS.025/2019 October 31, 2019 Subject Acquisition of Shares in Hello Bangkok LED Co, Ltd., which is an Assets Acquisition Transaction of the Company, Issuance and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company through a Private Placement which is a Connected Transaction, Capital Reduction, Capital Increase, Entering into the Right to Sell Advertising Media Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Call...
1 (-Translation-) Ref. No. IRS.025/2019 October 31, 2019 Subject Acquisition of Shares in Hello Bangkok LED Co, Ltd., which is an Assets Acquisition Transaction of the Company, Issuance and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company through a Private Placement which is a Connected Transaction, Capital Reduction, Capital Increase, Entering into the Right to Sell Advertising Media Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Call...