were 96 days as at 31st March, 2019 and 80 days as at 31st March, 2018 . Liquidity Liquidity ratios are high at approximately 4 times current liabilities. Operating Cashflow (Recurring EBITDA) in Q1 2019
high at approximately 4 times current liabilities. Operating Cashflow (Recurring EBITDA) in Q2 2019 was THB 696m which was 9% lower than Q2 2018 was THB 765m. Capital Expenditure Net Capital Expenditure
March, 2017. Liquidity Liquidity ratios are high at approximately 4 times current liabilities. Operating Cashflow (Recurring EBITDA) in Q1 2018 was THB 609m which was 30% lower than Q1 2017 at THB 873m
กลุ่มบรษิทัยงัไดเ้ริมรบัรูร้ายไดจ้ากคา่เชา่และบรกิารในโครงการ พารค์คอรท์ ของ บรษิทั มั นคง ลฟิวิง จาํกดั อกีสว่นหนึงดว้ย ซึงจะทาํใหก้ลุ่มบรษิทัมรีายไดท้ี สมําเสมอ (Recurring income) เพิมขึ#น ตามแผนงานการ
. Liquidity Liquidity ratios are high at approximately 4 times current liabilities. Operating Cashflow (Recurring EBITDA) in Q2 2018 was THB 766m which was 4% lower than Q2 2017 was THB 801m. Capital
% 10.2% 12.2% % NNP - Owner of the parent 59.1% 63.1% 61.7% 64.2% Remark: * Normalized net profit = Net profit – Unrealized gain / (loss) from FX – Non-recurring income / (expense) B.GRIMM POWER PUBLIC
recurring income. The change in the past 3 years is as follows; Unit : Thousand Baht 1st half 2018 1st half 2017 1st half 2016 Income 85,812 31,519 4,931 Net profit 11,630 4,937 549 From year 2016, the Group
(%) 9.9% 9.9% 12.2% 7.7% % NNP - Owner of the parent 59.4% 61.3% 64.2% 56.8% Remark: * Normalized net profit = Net profit – Unrealized gain / (loss) from FX – Non-recurring income / (expense) B.GRIMM POWER
% 1% % Gross margin (exclude non-recurring cost) 32% 31% 0% 33% 31% 2% Administrative expenses before adj. 39.11 41.56 -6% 122.21 130.24 -6% Adj. staff benefit - - 2.19 - Adj. previous year SW income
high at approximately 4 times current liabilities. Operating Cashflow (Recurring EBITDA) in Q3 2019 was THB 664m which was 40% lower than Q3 2018 was THB 1,098m. Capital Expenditure Net Capital