increase efficiency, reduce costs and facilitate market accessibility. The DLT pilot project will apply to corporate bond business.
. The new digital platform also covers clearing and settlement, register of instrument holders, custody of instruments, and payment of interest or dividends.“The pilot project will be conducted on
and youth in the BAAC School Bank project in over 2,000 schools nationwide.BAAC Manager Apirom Sukprasert said that the BAAC focuses on educating students with financial knowledge, creating savings
SEC is ready to cooperate and render support to the Teachers and Educational Personnel Debt Management Project under this MOU by contributing information, teamwork and speakers to provide knowledge
Management Companies (AIMC) and the Thai Investors Association (TIA) have jointly launched the ?Capital Market for Students? project. This program will allow students to gain experience from the capital market
“Exposing Scams: Recognizing the Fraud Game 5.0” under the “Building Thai People's Awareness of Online Issues (1212 ETDA)” Project, organized by the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), with
Reporting Person : - | Type of securities : - | Date of reporting obligation : 17/07/2014
Reporting Person : - | Type of securities : - | Date of reporting obligation : 17/07/2014
Reporting Person : - | Type of securities : - | Date of reporting obligation : 17/07/2014
Reporting Person : - | Type of securities : - | Date of reporting obligation : 05/07/2017