กดิขึน้ในแต่ละช่วงเวลาทีถ่วัตามทีแ่ต่ละตวัแบบจ าลองแนะน า เป็นค่ารากทีส่องของค่าเฉลีย่ของ ความคลาดเคลื่อนยกก าลังสอง (Root Mean Square Error หรือ RMSE) และค่าเฉลี่ยค่าสัมบูรณ์ของความ คลาดเคลื่อน (Mean
the Sale Shares to be purchased would still comprise two portions at a selling price of Baht 33.33 per share and the payment for both portions of those Sale Shares would be by mean of share swap, but
. Jirasak, by mean of Private Placement, which the Company will propose to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’ No. 1/2019 to consider and approve such acquisition of shares, as a payment of the
/ Frequent / Persistent 7 VE scale of assessment: Minor / Significant / High / Critical 8 VE scale of assessment: Non-communicative / Reactive / Remediative / Proactive 3 Verification – The KPI will be
person bound to make repayment under a financial instrument as an issuer, drawer, acceptor, giver of aval, endorser, or guarantor, as the case may be. “ unit of collective investment scheme ” mean a unit
” means a person bound to make repayment under a financial instrument as an issuer, drawer, acceptor, giver of aval, endorser, or guarantor, as the case may be. “unit of collective investment scheme” mean a
. In case of absent of the branch office manager under the first paragraph, the securities company shall arrange to have a new manager within one month unless obtain a waiver from the Office. In the mean
. In case of absent of the branch office manager under the first paragraph, the securities company shall arrange to have a new manager within one month unless obtain a waiver from the Office. In the mean
paragraph, the securities company shall arrange to have a new manager within one month unless obtain a waiver from the Office. In the mean time, the securities company may assign an officer of the head office
mean time, the derivatives brokers may assign an officer of the head office or the manager of other full-service branch offices to temporary acting as a manager. Clause 6. In case where the derivatives