million. Interest expenses of debentures for the third quarter of 2019 were Baht 19.51 million. 3.7 On March 28, 2017 the Central Bankruptcy Court ordered Saraburi Coal Company Limited (“Saraburi”) into
the business; material changes in the types of products produced or services rendered; name changes; or the nature and results of any bankruptcy, receivership or similar proceedings with respect to the
[day/month/year] 2 Sequence of debt repayment in the case of the bankruptcy or the dissolution of the issuer. Characteristics and Conditions on Returns (principal/interest) Important Warnings Special
is under a liquidation process for dissolution; or )3( any other case approved by the SEC Office. 16 Clause 34 In the case of perpetual bonds where the maturity date is upon the dissolution of the
. ------------------------------ Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorNor. 77/2552 Re: Rules, Conditions, and Procedures for Liquidation of Mutual Funds as a result of Merger or Amalgamation of Mutual Funds By virtue of
the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorNor. 77/2552 Re: Rules, Conditions, and Procedures for Liquidation of Mutual Funds as a result of Merger or Amalgamation of Mutual Funds By virtue of Section
Market Supervisory Board TorNor. 34/2553 Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Liquidation of Mutual Funds (No. 2) 10/08/2010 01/09/2010 5. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board TorNor 76
(Translation) Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (As Amended) _________________ BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 12th day of March B.E. 2535; Being the 47th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the securities and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as both Houses of Parliam...
แยงทางผลประโยชน เกี่ยวกับการแบงแยกทรัพยสิน (มี bankruptcy remote ในการ แบงแยกทรัพยสินของ ผูลงทุนจาก Trustee) บลจ. มีขอจํากัดในการลงทุนในหนวยลงทุน ของตัวเองไดเพ่ือเพิ่มสภาพคลองเทานั้น และ
Directors Relating to the Entering into the Related Parties Transaction Currently, IFEC is under the rehabilitation process of the Central Bankruptcy Court, Black Case No. For. 14/2561, Red Case No. For 25