บริษัทฯ ยังมแีผนการ ออกสนิคา้ใหม่ๆ นอกเหนือจากกลุ่มผลติภัณฑเ์ดมิของ บริษัทฯ เพิ่มเติมอย่างต่อเนื่อง เช่น Salty Lemon ผลติภัณฑใ์นกลุม่เครือ่งดืม่อัดลม (Carbonated) ซึง่เป็น สนิคา้จาก LQSF ประเทศเวยีดนาม รวมถ
Lemon, HPP (High Pressure Processing) fruit juice, milk tablet, personal care products, Malee Coco in new designed carton package, which was already projected following the Company’s new product launch
เอ็น มิวสคิ จ ากดั (“KPN Music”) ประกอบธุรกิจขายเครื่องดนตร ี และโรงเรยีนสอนดนตร ีภายใตช้ื่อ สถาบนัดนตรเีคพเีอน็ และ 2) บรษิทั เคพเีอน็ ไชนีส อะคาเดม ีจ ากดั (“KPN Chinese”) ประกอบธุรกจิโรงเรยีนสอนภาษา
, accounting for 10.47%, due to the decreasing number of Chinese tourists visiting Phuket after the boat accident at the beginning of July, 2018. In 2018, the Company’s revenues from the sale of food and
year from the growth in tourists in key markets such as Malaysia, India, South Korea, Japan and Russia. The number of Chinese tourists also exhibited an increase during December 2018, the first increase
34.4 million, growth of 7.9% from the same period last year despite a decline in the number of Chinese tourists since the Phuket boat incident in July. Nevertheless, for the 11 months of 2018, the number
due to the decrease in Chinese tourists, there was impact from closed partial hotel’s area for renovation Ibis Styles Chiangmai Hotel in the third quarter of 2019 and the smoke pollution crisis in
% percent of sales revenues. The Group operating profit sensitivity to change in the Thai Baht/USD and Chinese CNY/USD exchange rates is currently about Baht 200m per quarter for every 10% change in the
16.50% compared to the revenue of 2018, mainly due to the decrease in Chinese tourists, there was impact from closed partial hotel’s area for renovation Ibis Styles Chiangmai Hotel in the third quarter of
Chinese tourists in Chiangmai, competition in market we operate and hotel renovation in Phuket. • Overseas hotels: the revenue increased by THB 13.2 million, or 4% yoy, mostly due to the marketing strategy