partnership was at Bt3,171mn, dropped -6.9% YoY and -0.7% QoQ due to lower network traffic with NT. • Network OPEX & NT partnership cost was at Bt5,156mn, increased 10.9%YoY and 6.8% QoQ due to the increased
can be at least partially offset by induced demand and increased terminus traffic. Decarbonisation of the transport sector requires more than incremental change A fundamental principle of the Climate
billboards" with Delighting International Co., Ltd. "DLI" and named "DCORP-DLI Joint Venture" for Electronic Bidding (e-bidding) No. 8/2020 Wages to raise awareness to the public with intelligent publicity
Intelligent) In 2018, can sell such products which the quality and efficiency of the products resulting in the year 2019, the company received orders from a local customer to install such products with a
ภณัฑ์ใหม่ซึงเป็นนวตักรรมประหยดัพลงังานไฟฟ้าสําหรับเครืองปรบัอากาศ (WATER INTPAD : Water Intelligent) อย่างต่อเนือง ปัจจบุนั บรษิทัฯ ไดร้บัคาํสั งซือจากลกูคา้ในประเทศรายหนึงเพือให้เข้า ติดตั งสนิค้าดัง
revenue grew significantly from last year. Focusing on card recruitment activities, the Company has developed more card recruitment channels including setting booths in high traffic areas and encouraging
or 1.3 percent, mainly from the increase in toll revenue from the Si Rat-Outer Ring Road Expressway Project (SOE). In the year 2019, SOE average traffic volume was at 64,253 trips/day representing an
booths in high traffic areas and encouraging card application on the Company’s website and dealer network nationwide. In addition, the Company has focused to continue enhancing the relationship with our
to increased sales of delivery (3) increased cost of branch staff, rental and utilities from branch expansion and (4) issuing discount promotions to draw traffic and create brand awareness. 4 Zen
sales as much as possible via all channels. In particular, various promotions were used to increase dine-in traffic in restaurants which remains the main revenue source of the company and there was