, as agreed between the Company and PLANB; and (11) PLANB shall be satisfied with the result of the due diligence of certain overseas group companies of the Company. The details and conditions on the
for all of the remaining shares upon the completion of the sale of SPP1. Currently, the condition precedent under the Share Purchase Agreement has not yet been satisfied. The company is collaborating
’ meeting of the Company and Link Capital I must be satisfied with the result of the due diligence. Regarding the second portion of the loan and the third portion of the loan, which are the remaining loan
Directors’ meeting and the shareholders’ meeting of the Company and Link Capital I must be satisfied with the result of the due diligence. Regarding the second portion of the loan and the third portion of the
must be approved by the Board of Directors’ meeting and the shareholders’ meeting of the Company and Link Capital I must be satisfied with the result of the due diligence. Regarding the second portion of
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A FFeeCCoorrppLL44..11hhiigg A Executive Summary Management Discussion and Analysis For the Quarter Ended September 30, 2017 The Thai economy maintained steady growth in the third quarter of 2017, buoyed largely by tourism and exports. Nonetheless, the economic recovery was not broad-based, as evidenced by sluggish private consumption. While certain businesses were still fragile, others remained mired in uncertainty in terms of new modes of competition, a broader market...
for all of the remaining shares upon the completion of the sale of SPP1. Currently, the condition precedent under the Share Purchase Agreement has not yet been satisfied. The company is collaborating
financial year should also be provided, except that the requirement for comparative balance sheet data is satisfied by presenting the year-end balance sheet information. All of the selected financial data
Public. Clause 5 An applicant who submits an application for approval under Clause 4 shall be granted an approval by the SEC Office only when the following conditions have been satisfied: (1) being a
Tangjettanaporn are satisfied with the result of the due diligence on the Company and there is no change which might have a material adverse impact to the Company’ s status, operation, business and/or property