WTGs foundation improvement for Huay Bong 2&3 Wind Farm as at December 31, 2018 are as shown in the table. Description Estimated total improvement cost (as of year 2017) Estimate and cost for accounting
compensation of Baht 8.19 million of 1st quarter of year 2018. DEMCO Public Company Limited Details of the costs involving to the WTGs foundation improvement for Huay Bong 2&3 Wind Farm as at March 31, 2019 were
foundation improvement for Huay Bong 2&3 Wind Farm as at June 30, 2019 were as shown in the table. Description Estimated total improvement cost (as of year 2018) Estimated and cost for accounting recorded In
. Details of the costs involving to the WTGs foundation improvement for Huay Bong 2&3 Wind Farm as at March 31, 2018 are as shown in the table. Description Estimated total improvement cost (as of year 2017
which decreased 16.18% comparing to the 2nd quarter of year 2017 at Baht 9.77 million. etails of the costs involving to the WTGs foundation improvement for Huay Bong 2&3 Wind Farm as at June 30, 2018
year 2017 at Baht 9.77 million. Details of the costs involving to the WTGs foundation improvement for Huay Bong 2&3 Wind Farm as at September 30, 2018 are as shown in the table. Description Estimated
to the WTGs foundation improvement for Huay Bong 2&3 Wind Farm as at September 30, 2019 were as shown in the table. Description Estimated total improvement cost (as of year 2018) Estimated and cost for
year 131.9 million Baht or increased by 63% This was because the Company’s cash collection improvement. In the first quarter of 2018, the cash collection was 514.0 million Baht which increased from the
moving away from traditional services towards value enhancement such as cross-selling and upselling to better monetize heightened customer demands. Furthermore, operators continue encouraging 5G adoption
a gross profit of 237.71 mb (2017: 192.41 mb), a significant increase of 45.30 mb or 23.5% improvement. The reduction in cost of service also contributed positively to a better gross profit margin at