the equipment from KPI for production purpose on Hard Disk Drive products. The total transaction size of acquisition on fixed assets is Baht 1,977,044.85 which is accounted to 0.003% under the total
. The increased sales revenue was mainly derived from the hard disk drive and PCBA products as compared to previous year. 2. Cost of sales For the third quarter of year 2018, the Company’s cost of sales
in response to the increasing demands from the Hard Disk Drive industry in Thailand, in which some of the production base had moved to Thailand and some main customers have been increasing its capacity
แบบ update course ทุก 2 ปได 4. ระบบอิเล็กทรอนิกสของผูจัดการกองทุน ความคิดเห็น ผูรวมแสดงความคิดเห็นทกุรายเหน็ดวยกับแนวทางดังกลาว โดยมีความเห็นเพิ่มเติมวา ควรจัดใหสามารถใช hard copy ไดดวย โดย
the year 2019. The decreased in sales revenue was mainly due to the decrease in shipments of telecommunication and computer peripherals products, such as the set-top-box , the hard disk drive products
million) which decreased by 0.04% compared to the nine-month period of year 2018. The decreased sales revenue was mainly derived from the hard disk drive and PCBA products as compared to previous year. 2
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ให้นำส่งเป็น hard copy 1. การลง complaint-form-general-en.docx / derivatives / digital asset intermediaries e.g. securities company/broker, asset management
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