) Authorized Siganatories: Mr. Pete Rimchala or Mr. Chris Rimchala signs together with Mr. Thomas Frakes and company’s stamp Expected Benefits 1. Increased income from the expansion of distribution channels as
informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, -WICHIT TECHAKASEM- (Dr. Wichit Techakasem) Managing Director Authorized Person to Disclose Information Company Secretary Tel. 02-518-2722 Ext. 649 Fax 02-518-2723
19.28% from the corresponding period of the previous year, derived from business expansion and unrealized loss on exchange rate at the amount of Baht 11.01 million and from reserve for impairment of
thanks to the marketing activities by way of the launch of new products (crispy seaweed and grilled seaweed, Kimchi Flavor), the expansion of Taokaenoi Land Shop, The Market Branch, and the utilization of
supporting future business expansion domestically and internationally as well as for the purposes of overall competitiveness in financial management accordingly. The Company will remain as the major and
ordinary shares on the Stock Exchange Of Thailand (the “SET”) (the “Spin-Off Plan”). The proceeds of which will be used for the purpose of financial and business restructuring, business expansion and working
property to reserve for its expansion projects regarding the committed growth and sustained profitable on such investment to all shareholders as per attached information memorandum regarding the connected
business expansion of the Company in the long term. Therefore, the Board of Directors approved such transaction. In addition, the Board of Directors authorized the Chairman and/or the Executive Chairman and
Section 133 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 133. The securities company shall manage a private fund with honesty and care to preserve the interests of the person who has authorized the
Section 133 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 133. The securities company shall manage a private fund with honesty and care to preserve the interests of the person who has authorized the