. - Hire Purchase In the first half of 2020, motorcycle and used car hire purchase in Thailand and electrical appliances, mobile phone and etc. in oversea business, with the revenues of 489 million baht
, including, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, addresses on the identification cards, addresses on the house registration, permanent address, home telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers. Sensitive data
Office, photos from closed circuit television, thermometers, etc. Contact information: Information for contact purposes, including, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, addresses on the identification
ประชำชน และ ใช้เจ้ำหน้ำที่เปรียบเทียบภำพในบัตรประชำชนกับตัวลูกค้ำ กรณีไม่ได้พบหน้ำลูกค้ำ เช่น กำรเปิดบัญชีผ่ำน Kiosk หรือเครื่องมือของลูกค้ำ เช่น smartphone ต้อง ถ่ำยภำพใบหน้ำลูกค้ำเพ่ือเปรียบเทียบกับ
custody of client assets. This is to promote flexibility in business operation while ensuring that supervisory guidelines are appropriate and comply with international standards. In addition, to enhance
ensuring that listed companies are capable of fully complying with relevant criteria, and sufficiently supporting investment decisions. Moreover, financial advisors give opinions to shareholders when listed
digital tokens. The ICO portal's duties include performing due diligence on the characteristics of digital tokens to be offered and qualifications of issuer, and ensuring completeness and accuracy of
under the regulations of the Capital Market Supervisory Board.?Independent directors play a vital role in ensuring corporate governance of business operators and utmost interest of customers. The SEC
number, mobile phone number or e-mail of which companies shall update a name list and contact information regularly. Additionally, companies should specify additional communication channels, such as SMS
relevant persons, including contact information, such as an office phone number, home phone number, mobile phone number or e-mail of which companies shall update a name list and contact information regularly