approval for such auditor granted by the Office in accordance with this Notification shall cease accordingly. The finance and securities company referred to in paragraph one hereof shall submit a copy of
ended January 2019. The Company cease recognized revenue from this business segment since then. Trading of consumer products segment This business segment commenced operate by the Company in June 2019. B
effective by ended January 2019. The Company cease recognized revenue from this business segment since then. Trading of consumer products segment This business segment commenced operate by the Company in June
cancellation of ABC World’s lease agreement, which the lease termination effective by ended January 2019. The Company cease recognized revenue from this business segment since then. Trading of consumer products
Company planned to cease its operation in TL. The Company thus decided to dispose the ordinary shares in TL to mitigate possible impacts in the future if TL still continues its operation. The aforementioned
revenue from this business segment decreased due mainly to the cancellation of ABC World’s lease agreement, which the lease termination effective by ended January 2019. The Company cease recognized revenue
Board of Directors of the Company had resolved the resolution to the Company that it shall cease metals trading business at the end of the first quarter of 2019. (“Discontinued operation”) Padaeng
ตาม หลักเกณฑของธุรกิจของผูประกอบธุรกิจหลักทรัพยท่ีมีการใหบริการแผนการลงทุนในลักษณะ portfolio2 (2) การกําหนดอัตราขาดทุนสูงสุด (stop-loss limit) ผูประกอบธุรกิจสามารถเลือกกําหนด stop-loss limit ของ
Stop Query” information searching system for the SEC’s staff to conduct supervisory tasks External services ● Restructured SEC website to be more informative and user-friendly ● Facilitated online report
company to establish Vanachai Wood Smith Co., Ltd. which will process a business as the exhibition and product promotion center for Vanachai Group. The distribution will be one stop service for wholesale