transfer within the bank, money transfer to the account of other bank, and payment for commodities and services, including the bank’s ATM support to withdraw Baht currency all of the bank in Thailand. 3.5
transfer within the bank, money transfer to the account of other bank, and payment for commodities and services, including the bank’s ATM support to withdraw Baht currency all of the bank in Thailand. 3.5
, including the bank’s ATM support to withdraw Baht currency all of the bank in Thailand and accepts to JCB (Japan Credit Bureau) and UPI (UnionPay International) cards to provide service for foreign
, including the bank’s ATM support to withdraw Baht currency all of the bank in Thailand and accepts to JCB (Japan Credit Bureau) and UPI (UnionPay International) cards to provide service for foreign
and services, including the bank’s ATM support to withdraw Baht currency all of the bank in Thailand and accepts to UPI (UnionPay International) cards to provide service for foreign businessman and
and services, including the bank’s ATM support to withdraw Baht currency all of the bank in Thailand and accepts to UPI (UnionPay International) cards to provide service for foreign businessman and
account of other bank, and payment for commodities and services, including the bank’s ATM support to withdraw Baht currency all of the bank in Thailand and accepts to UPI (UnionPay International) cards to
withdraw the credit rating or disclose such discontinuation to the public as soon as practicable. A publication by the CRA of a credit rating that is no longer being monitored should indicate the date the
10 วันทําการนั้น ตองใหสิทธิในการ withdraw แกผูถือหุนของกิจการที่ไมไดสละสิทธิ withdraw ดวย 4.5.2 ในกรณีที่ผูทําคําเสนอซื้อแบบ VTO ประสงคจะกาํหนดเงื่อนไขอื่นเปนเงื่อนไขในการ ยกเลิกคาํเสนอซื้อ
1 Enclosure 2 Information Memorandum on the Disposal of Assets (Schedule 2) of Nation Multimedia Group Public Company Limited (the “Company”) Since Spring 26 Company Limited (formerly known as Bangkok Business Broadcasting Company Limited), a subsidiary in which the Company holds 149,900,002 ordinary shares with a par value of Baht 10 per share, equivalent to 99.9333 percent of total ordinary shares sold and a subsidiary (in which the Company holds ordinary shares equivalent to 99.99 percent), i...