finance costs due to higher borrowings as a result of previous investments in machinery, subsidiaries, and joint ventures. 2. Overview of Domestic Economy and Ready-to-Drink Fruit Juice Market In Q3/2018
reduction. In the contrary, Export Branded Business sales increased 6% YoY mainly due to sales increase from fruit juice and dairy products that grew 26% YoY. However, Long Quan Safe Food JSC (LQSF) Vietnam
baht decrease 6.49 million baht or 71.78% the company stopped exporting fresh fruit. Page 2 of 2 1.5 Revenues from sales Cannabis amount 1.29 million baht increase 5.99 million baht increase 0.81 million
fruit. 1.2 Revenues from Construction Contractor amount 3.25 million baht or increase 1.30 million baht or 66.17% because in the second quarter of 2024, the company can recognize revenue from construction
fresh fruit. 1.2 Revenues from Construction Contractor amount 3.25 million baht or increase 1.30 million baht or 66.17% because in the second quarter of 2024, the company can recognize revenue from
?SECID=8285 SEC public warning of solicitation for investment in digital assets to be digital assets (called by many names such as coin, token or digital coin), as follows: (1) Every Coin(2) Orientum
?SECID=8285 SEC public warning of solicitation for investment in digital assets to be digital assets (called by many names such as coin, token or digital coin), as follows: (1) Every Coin(2) Orientum
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