Initial Product Offering System (IPOS) Please wait... ระบบออกและเสนอขายหลักทรัพย์ Initial Product Offering System ( IPOS ) โปรดระบุข้อมูลด้านล่าง (Please fill in information below) ประเทศที่
English (United States) Initial Coin Offering × Home > Laws/Regulations > Regulations > Fundraising
On 2 March 2023, the SEC Board Meeting No. 5/2566 passed a resolution approving in principle the proposed amendments to the regulations regarding the ICO of investment token, digital asset custodial wallet provider, and other rules related to the digital asset business operations. The main objectives of the proposed amendments were to build an adequate and appropriate investor protection mechanisms in alignment with associated digital asset risks, while continuing to support the use of technolog...
involved in a credit rating committee. garding the creditworthiness of an entity or obligation, expressed using an established and defined ranking system. to determine an initial credit rating, an upgrade of
ranking system. to determine an initial credit rating, an upgrade of an existing credit rating, a downgrade of an existing credit rating (including to a default category), an affirmation of an existing
the customer must place cash or listed securities as initial margin with securities company . However, bonds or investment units are not permitted to be place with securities company as collateral to
responsibility must be lived up with to boost confidence and upgrade standards in corporate governance for companies listed in Thailand.Mr. Rapee Sucharitakul, Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange