and enhance competitive edge of the private sector. We are also very pleased to support the right protection volunteers in performing their duties at AGMs; one of the principles of good corporate
Bangkok, February 14, 2013 ? The SEC encourages the public sector to raise funds and improve their operations via the capital market, with infrastructure funds, securitized bonds and scripless forms
Bangkok, February 14, 2013 ? The SEC encourages the public sector to raise funds and improve their operations via the capital market, with infrastructure funds, securitized bonds and scripless forms
, proposing recommendations, and distributing a checklist, in order for listed companies to improve their information disclosure.For an informed investment decision, investors need to analyze MD&A in the Form
According to the SEC Strategic Plan, the goal of building competitiveness can be achieved through standard rules and regulations. In this regard, the regulatory guillotine scheme,* which focuses on review of rules and regulations to maintain only necessary ones and ensure effective enforcement, can help SEC build a body of standard regulations in line with the changing environment without compromising appropriate investor protection and convenience for business operation.The SEC therefore...
enhance financial knowledge and foster the development of financial skills within the educational system. The MOU also seeks to improve financial literacy among teacher trainees, teachers, school
Bangkok, January 8, 2010 ? The SEC has officially launched the Change Program, a major initiative to improve its organizational efficiency and Thai capital market competitiveness in the global arena
Bangkok, January 8, 2010 ? The SEC has officially launched the Change Program, a major initiative to improve its organizational efficiency and Thai capital market competitiveness in the global arena
Bangkok, October 1, 2012 ? The SEC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Office of Auditor General of Thailand (OAG) on September 27 to enhance audit quality of state owned enterprises
During January – March this year, the SEC conducted a public hearing on proposed amendments to the PVD Act to support the development of fund structure, enhance the member protection mechanism