offering approval, disclosure and periodic reporting requirement. The consultation paper is available on Stakeholders and interested parties are welcome to submit comments through the website
-patients department inclined by 24.6% and 8.9% respectively. Causing the increasing in the total revenue from Gastrointestinal diseases and seasonal diceases such as Nasopharyngitis, Influenza, Dengue Fever
, constrained by the cyclical and volatile nature of the securities industry and the downward pressure on commission rates, a result of intensifying competition. บรษิทัหลกัทรพัย ์เคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จํากดั )มหาชน
of goods resulted from clearance sales of old products and seasonal decorations products as well as selling a big lot of low margin project sales. As a result, inventories have decreased significantly
business decreased 2.0% QoQ, mainly due to the seasonal factor let to an inconvenient of using services at the kiosk of customers, farming, the slowdown of the grassroots economy and also the increasing of
decreased by 18.0% in order to support festive and seasonal sales demand • Allowance of the decline in value of inventory decreased by 80.0% from obsolete and long aged finished goods • Selling expenses
of outlets of All Café (a fresh coffee corner within the 7-Eleven store) where the non – coffee products and series of new seasonal flavors were sold and, (C) Licenses fee of the Characters Business
expected to be set up. Opening Date of After You Outlet in Hong Kong may be Postponed due to Political Unrest After You has consistently launched Seasonal menus and To-Go products Through consistent R&D
10.9 percent due to the seasonal epidemic which resulted to the increase in number of both Out- patients and In-patients, the rapid growth of the operating performance of Kasemrad Hospital Ramkamhaeng
ที่มีอำนาจลงนาม (signer)1 ในการ 17063049.pdf an otherwise good seasonal quarter, and taken together with de-consolidation of India PET business, had a volume